The Campus Center transformation will be phased throughout 2019, 2020 and 2021. During the month of May, construction will span across Ferst Drive, creating sidewalk closures. Changes to the Student Center Parking Deck will also be underway, but the deck will remain open.
*Construction traffic will increase in this sector of campus.
*Construction Workers are working along Ferst Dr. near Visitor Parking Area 3 – Please use caution.
*Normal working hours are 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Ferst Dr – Utility Ductbank Crossing [ 5/6/19 - 5/24/19]
The Ferst Drive utility crossing will require lane restrictions and shifts, west of Regents Drive, impacting vehiclular traffic from 7am to 5pm, daily.
*Lane restrictions and/or lane shifts will occur on Ferst Dr, west of Regents Dr. impacting all vehicular traffic from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, daily.
*Alternating sidewalk closures will be required, beginning on the south side of Ferst, then changing to the north side as utility work progressing across Ferst Dr. in this area.
*Only one sidewalk will be closed at any one time. Pedestrians will be required to cross at the crosswalk to move past this area.
*Some access chamber work and excavation work will occur to the west of the Health Services bldg. in the grassed island along Ferst Dr.
Student Center Parking Deck [New Entrance beginning May 8]
* The parking deck and adjacent surface lots will remain open during this period.
Phase I Construction Mobilization [5/6/19]:
*Construction teams will begin mobilizing the site for Phase I construction on 5/6/19.
*Fencing will be installed and sidewalks along Ferst Drive between Student Center parking deck and Student Health center building will be closed for installation of fence post and wire only.
*Construction teams will be digging (potholing) along the perimeter of Phase I construction to identify and locate underground utilities.
*Campus directional signage will be placed providing alternate pedestrian routing around construction.
Phase I Ferst Drive Bus Loop Reconfiguration [Closed from 5/17 - 6/9/]
*No bus service will be provided at this location, during the construction period listed above.
Phase I Bus Loop Reconfiguration
*The bus loop located at Ferst Drive adjacent to Visitor Parking Area 3 and ISYE Main will be closed from 5/17 – 6/9/19.
*No service will be provided during this time.
*The drive loop and curb will be reshaped and the fire hydrant moved to allow emergency response vehicles to make the turn onto the new emergency access road. The bus shelter will be relocated.