Campus Center construction logistics for March 2021 through April 2021.
Campus Center construction logistics for March 2021 through April 2021.
Changes are minimal, however there are modifications to the fence line. The limits of site disturbance have crept slightly, impacting the corner of Tech Green and extending northwards to the W021 parking lot. This work is to connect in with existing pathways and grades.
*Surface Lot 2 and Student Center parking deck remain open for public use.
*Heavy construction traffic in this sector of campus.
*Normal working hours are Monday - Saturday 6:00 AM – 5:30 PM.
Phase II Building Construction:
*Construction fencing is installed around perimeter of the site. Wayfinding signage is installed.
* Construction of the Stamps Commons building continues.
* Pedestrians to be aware of high truck traffic leaving the loading dock of the existing Wenn building.
* Build back of the Wenn Student is underway.